Sunday, March 23, 2014

I'm just Joshin' around

Anarchy has always intrigued Josh. "What would life be like if we had no rules", he often thought, sometimes out loud. Most looked at him as if he was an idiot. Nine times out of ten, people would say “you would already be dead”, or “there would always be chaos”. Having rules and laws seemed logical at most times. They have always been there to protect Josh. One thing that he also pondered on was the fact that some laws get changed or removed from use. If this was the case, then why were they made in the first place? Maybe laws change because people are always changing too? It seemed odd to Josh that all necessary laws were not already in pristine condition. Josh was the only one of his friends to think “Why did we enstate this law just to end up removing it later?”. To Josh, some laws have always been pointless and some even harmful to others. Josh was recently issued a ticket from a very unpleasant cop. Why? He ran a red light. Normally, Josh understands, running a red light is incredibly dangerous and can cause harm or even death, but this was different. It was 2 am and not a single car, other than car that ending up being a patrol car behind him, was in sight. It was safe, while risky, to run the light, but worth a ticket? Not to Josh. He understand this law but thinks that at times, it can be invalid. “Are all laws this way? Or are laws even necessary if you know how to be safe?”, Josh daringly asked his mom. To this she answered as she always does, with a sigh and “Just be glad you live in a free country, Sweetie”. True. Tery true.

The thing about being “free” is that it is wonderful. Some people definitely do not have what Josh has, but it only goes so far. “What is free about sitting behind a desk for eight hours a day while your prick boss reminds you, for the fifth time today, that you still need to make up the hours you missed last week”, Josh was getting heated through his own thought process yet again, “If I was actually free, I would leave immediately and go frolic in the grass and ignore all of my impending responsibilities. I would NOT have some grumpy, middle-aged man with an upcoming divorce tell me what to do.” It all seemed ridiculous to Josh that freedom could actually mean so little towards the true definition. He wanted to be free, even though they say he is. They say he is free, but he does not feel it. He feels it less and less as his boss continues to make horrible jokes and say “I’m just JOSH-ing you”, as if that was acceptable. Freedom, to josh meant more than everything he had to put up with day to day. Freedom was the ability to do what you want on a daily basis without anyone constantly complaining or telling him that he is doing this or that the wrong way. If this was freedom, then freedom is slavery.