Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Richard Newspeaxon

Good Latenoon:
This is my 37th officespeak to you, many thoughts have been made for this goodnation. I speak for this nation and your interest. I do doubleplusgood for this nation.
Through the long plusbad Watergate, I must selfsave – complete my commandterm. I bellyfeel that congress malreported my stance. I let congress make their finaldecide about me; to not do so would be doubleplusbad for future. My purpose has been served. I halt continuation.
My family says plusbad to quit, but the Nation comes first. Congress talked about Watergate and we came to a doubleplushard choice.
I am mostly a plusnoquit.
I put NewMerica first, so I am crimestopping myself now.
We have many unsolutions and NewMerica needs a Fullcommand and congress. We should focus on solutions and stop timewasting our thoughts on the inner command.
I will be official noncommand at noon.
In one hour, Vice Command Ford will be made Full Command Ford.
I rethink the plus hopes we had for Newmerica at the start of my twocommand, I bellyfeel doubleplusungood that I will not continue my reign for the next 2.5 yearsBut in making Ford Fullcommand, Newmerica is in plus good control.
As I pass Fullcommand to Ford, I do not doublethink that all Newmericans will cooperate with all of his needs. As he takes control, you must respect him. We must fix the ungood before we move frontwise. To freedom behind you.

I know that i have plusfasted the healing process. I plusregret any ungood that i have done before today. Some of my choices were unright, but I thought they were right then.

I am plusgrateful for those who supported me. Those who did not will perish. 
You have now all committed to thus. I regret not completing my reign, but am plushappy that I controlled for 5.5 years. These past years have been plusgood for Newmerica,  But the challenges ahead are same plusgood. And they, require full cooperation and commitment. 
Newmerica is still at war with Vietnam. Newmerica has always been at war with Vietnam.
The asians are not our friends. We are doubleplusclose to taking their land over. 
There is no threat of nuclear attack because the Soviets are our allies. They always have been. 
The Vietnamese live in poverty because they are not as advanced as we are. Newmerica has the best economy and and more fullwise developed than theirs.
Newmerica has wonderful job markets. We have decreased unjobs. 
I have been ruling what I think, but I have failed. Theodore Roosevelt said "If you do not follow, you die." 
Itonight that as long as I breathe, I will continue that spirit. I will continue to work for the plusgood causes to which I have been dedicated throughout my years as Commander, the cause of war -- just for Vietnam -- I wished to rule all.
There is one cause I will bellyfeel forever.
When I took command, I made this commitment: to rule all. I've done my plusbest in all the days since to be true to that pledge. As a result, I know that the world is a safer place, only for the Newmericans, and that all of our children have a better chance of dying in war.
This, more than anything, is what I hoped to achieve when became commander.
This, more than anything, is what will be my legacy to you, to our country, as I leave the command.
In leaving it, I do so with this prayer: WAR IS PEACE. FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.